About Us

More often than not, our busy lives left us neglecting the needs of the temple we call our body. We found that the only time for ritual and tending to ourselves was during the time spent in the tub. In a world where change is inevitable, there must be more to life than rush. Not only do we use these pockets of time to take a breath and refresh, we also use this time to contemplate what matters most to us -- including transparency. In our effort to offer alternatives to what the market currently offers, we want to make sure we hit the mark. We operate on the following philosophy:

Small Batch: 

Hand-making our product in small batches allows us to make sure we are paying close attention to detail and aren’t overproducing. Sometimes, less is more. 


While less is more, we do understand that everyone loves options. With that in mind, Tend launches products in capsules. We will do a limited drop of new products in different variations. Like our bars, not one capsule will be the same! However, each capsule will include the essentials— just varying in scent.


We are local to Long Beach, California. It’s a home to many greats and it’s a pleasure to Tend to you from the 562! We want to make sure our community is always involved in this journey and love to work with other local businesses, organizations, etc. to make sure our growth is our community's growth. 


Tend has been created with heart, soul, and simplicity. Welcome home.